School Supplies

Suggested School Supplies

As each student has a unique class schedule at the high school, it is difficult to list specifically the needs for each class.

Teachers will identify specific material needs in the first days of class. These requirements should be easy to obtain and of minimal cost. Some universal school supplies that are recommended for each student are as follows:

▪ One folder and one notebook (spiral or three-ring binder with lined paper) for each class

▪ An assortment of pens, pencils, and hi-liters

▪ Small post-it notes for making notes in texts

▪ A TI-83 or 84 graphing calculator is recommended – These will be used in all high school math classes and many science classes. These calculators are also permitted on the SAT and AP tests. This is an investment (about $80-120) in your student’s education. Many times, these calculators are on sale for about $80-$90 in August.