Counseling Office
The Lowell High School Counseling Office believes that a quality comprehensive guidance and counseling program is an integral part of the total education program. The counseling office assures that all students will acquire and demonstrate competencies in the areas of career planning and exploration, knowledge of self and others, and educational and career technical development.
Our mission is to enable students to discover and develop individual skills to reach their potential, encourage life-long learning, and empower students to be contributing members of their community. Services include: Academic Advising, Personal Counseling, Student Records, Educational Development Plan, Scheduling, College Applications, Scholarships, Peer Relationships, Testing.
Schedule a Counseling Appointment
Schedule a College Rep Visit
College Rep Schedule
Contact Your Counselor
R.J Boudro Tory Parsons Trisha Wallace
(A-G) (H-PE) (PH-Z)
AP Registration
Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment Criteria
- The student has earned sufficient credits with no failing grades and be junior or senior status.
- The student is enrolled in the district and is also enrolled in the post-secondary institution during the district’s regular academic year.
- Eligible students must minimally attend one high school course.
- The college course must be a minimum of 3 credit hours/contact hours.
- For each college course taken the student will have one less class on the high school schedule.
- The district will only pay tuition for those courses not offered by the district. A student may dual enroll for a course offered by the district, but is responsible for his/her own tuition and fees.
- The student is responsible for working with the college throughout the enrollment and registration process.
- The school district will pay the district’s foundation allowance towards the cost of the college course. For some colleges this will cover the amount of the tuition and for others it will not. If the amount of the course exceeds the district allowance, the student is responsible for the remainder including all college fees. If you enroll at GRCC and are not a resident of Kent County then non-resident tuition will be charged and the cost of the class will not be fully covered by Lowell Schools.
- The student will be responsible for payment of text books, parking costs and all fees.
- The student will be responsible for transportation to and from the post-secondary institution.
- Course(s) registered for by the student without the appropriate approval form will be billed directly to the student. (Approval forms may be picked up in the Counseling Office.)
- Students who withdraw or fail a class will be required to reimburse the district for the amount of the tuition paid.
- A student is no longer eligible for dual enrollment upon completion of the school district’s high school graduation requirements.
- The high school principal will approve all dual enrollment agreements prior to the student enrolling in the post-secondary institution.
- Each successfully completed college course may also qualify for one half credit at Lowell High School. A student may elect to take a college class for Lowell High School credit and include a college letter grade on their Lowell High School transcript. Before entering the class, the student can choose to receive a letter grade or credit/no credit.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Testing Out Guidelines
Lowell Middle School and Lowell High School, in compliance with the School Code of Michigan, will allow students to "test out" of any course in any subject area. Students will be required to demonstrate the mastery of course content through either a comprehensive exam, written papers, projects, portfolios or other comparable assessments. All students have the opportunity to "test out" in any credit area required for graduation.
Course advancement and credit will only be granted for a 77% or higher. If there is no final exam, credit will be earned by mastery of course requirements through written papers, projects, portfolios or other comparable assessments.
Credits earned through "testing out" will not be included in the computation of grade point average but will count toward graduation credit.